Standards Australia Risk Mitigation Handbook draft open for public comment
26 Mar 2020
Dr Christopher Wallace, Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation Chief Executive, has welcomed peak standards development body Standards Australia’s opening of the public comment period for the Physical Protective Security Controls for Buildings Handbook (HB-188). ARPC is the Project Proponent for HB-188.
“We strongly encourage ARPC insurance industry and government stakeholders to participate in the public comment period for the Handbook draft,” said Dr Wallace.
“The Handbook will help owners and operators to assess their risk of physical damage to property and plan and implement treatment measures to protect valuable assets against terrorist attacks and other malicious acts,’’ he said.
During the six-week public comment period, interested parties can make comment on the draft handbook. All comments received by the 5 May deadline will be reviewed by the drafting committee to determine if they should be included in the final document.
Following the public comment period, Standards Australia will undertake a final review before the Handbook is published in 2020.
The closing date for comments is 5 May 2020.
In 2018, ARPC submitted a proposal to peak standards development body Standards Australia for the development of a handbook to support proactive risk management of large-scale infrastructure (commercial buildings).
Australian industry stakeholders and representative bodies across insurance, commercial property, facilities management, events management, local government, fire services and national security supported the proposal.
Media Contact: Dr Christopher Wallace, ARPC Chief Executive: (02) 8223-6777.