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ARPC publishes 2022 Insurer Customer Survey results

ARPC publishes 2022 Insurer Customer Survey results

11 April 2023

Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation (ARPC) has published the results of its latest insurer customer survey conducted by ORIMA Research during November-December 2022. Overall, survey results remain strong. Consistent with previous years, most respondents continue to see ARPC as a trusted expert on terrorism reinsurance (86 per cent), easy to deal with (86 per cent) and transparent (85 per cent).

The Terrorism Pool Stakeholder Perceptions Index (T-SPI) achieved 75 per cent, which is a favourable perception of ARPC overall, although slightly lower than the previous year (80 per cent). The T-SPI was derived from three questions: To what extent do you feel ARPC is an effective provider of terrorism risk insurance? To what extent do you believe ARPC supports your organisation’s financial strength? To what extent do you feel ARPC is a valued partner to your organisation?

Respondents continued to rate ARPC’s website, digital business-to-business communications, publications and annual Terrorism Risk and Insurance Seminar strongly, with 99 per cent of respondents overall (Australia and overseas) rating them as very good or valuable.

Eighty per cent overall found the ARPC terrorism insurer customer review process very or somewhat useful.

When asked to describe ARPC in two key words, both Australian and Overseas respondents used positive words such as “effective” and “accommodating”, closely followed by “partner” and “reliable”.

A much lower proportion (38 per cent) of terrorism insurer customers felt that ARPC supported their organisation’s financial strength to a large or moderate extent (down from 67 per cent in 2021).

Cyclone pool

On the new cyclone reinsurance pool, 88 per cent of respondents (Australia only) felt information proactively provided by ARPC was very good or good.

Areas for improvement

The response rate for the survey is in gradual decline. The overall response rate for the 2022 survey was 18 per cent compared to 22 per cent in 2021 and 28 per cent in 2020. In 2023, the survey will be adjusted to include additional focus on the cyclone reinsurance pool and include short in-person interviews aimed at increasing survey participation.

In response to the survey results, ARPC Chief Executive Dr Christopher Wallace said: “ARPC remains committed to its annual insurer customer survey to collect feedback and learn how we can better serve our insurer customers. This will be particularly important as the cyclone pool grows by 31 December 2023.”


The ARPC/ORIMA Insurer Customer Survey is part of an annual process that seeks to understand how customers perceive ARPC and measure the effectiveness of its stakeholder engagement activities. A short online survey was first run in November 2020, with the most recent survey conducted during November-December 2022. A small number of questions about the cyclone pool were included for the first time in 2022.

The full survey report is published here.

For media inquiries, please contact Alexander Drake on (02) 8223-6777 or [email protected]


Insurer customer logins to ARPC

Terrorism Insurer Portal (RISe)

RISe is ARPC’s Terrorism Reinsurance Pool (terrorism pool) insurer customer portal, which allows terrorism pool insurer customers to lodge their company information in a secure and user-friendly environment.

Cyclone Insurer Portal (PACE)

PACE is ARPC’s Cyclone Reinsurance Pool (cyclone pool) insurer customer portal, which allows cyclone pool insurer customers to lodge their company information in a secure and user-friendly environment.