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ARPC Annual Report 2015-16

ARPC Annual Report 2015-16

In 2015-16, Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation continued its critical role as reinsurer to Australia’s commercial property insurers, for Declared Terrorist Incidents (DTIs). In so doing, we fulfilled our purpose which is to protect Australia from the economic losses caused by terrorism catastrophe.



Insurer customer logins to ARPC

Terrorism Insurer Portal (PACE)

PACE is ARPC’s new Terrorism Reinsurance Pool (terrorism pool) insurer customer portal, which allows terrorism pool insurer customers to lodge their company information in a secure and user-friendly environment.

Cyclone Insurer Portal (PACE)

PACE is ARPC’s Cyclone Reinsurance Pool (cyclone pool) insurer customer portal, which allows cyclone pool insurer customers to lodge their company information in a secure and user-friendly environment.