An update on the new five-level terror alert system
26 November 2015
New terror alert system
The new National Terrorism Threat Advisory System is a scale of five levels to provide advice about the likelihood of an act of terrorism occurring in Australia. Â The five levels are:
- Not expected
- Possible
- Probable
- Expected
- Certain
The current level is Probable: Credible intelligence, assessed by our security agencies indicates that individuals or groups have developed both the intent and capability to conduct a terrorist attack in Australia. The public should continue to exercise caution and report any suspicious incidents to the National Security Hotline by calling 1800 1234 00.
When the threat level changes, the Australian Government provides advice on what the threat level means, where the threat is coming from, potential targets and how a terrorist act may be carried out.
The National Terrorism Threat Level is regularly reviewed in line with the security environment and intelligence.
For more information on the system, the current threat level and advice for the public visit the Australian National Security.
Based on advice from security and intelligence agencies, the Australian Government raised the National Terrorism Public Alert level from medium to high on 12 September 2014. This was under the previous threat level system. Under the new system, the threat level is Probable.
More information
For more information on ARPC please visit the ARPC website. For any enquiries about this Market Update, please contact Dr Christopher Wallace, Chief Executive Officer on (02) 8223-6777 or [email protected]