An update on ARPC’s support for the Australia-New Zealand Counter Terrorism Committee’s ‘Crowded Places’ initiative
19 Aug 2017
Support for ANZCTC ‘Crowded Places’ initiative as a risk mitigation tool
One of Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation’s strategic objectives is to “support and promote terrorism risk mitigation”. This is achieved through supporting and promoting initiatives which reduce the risk carried by ARPC and ultimately the Australian government.
On 19 August 2017, the Australia-New Zealand Counter-Terrorism Committee (ANZCTC) published Australia’s Strategy for Protecting Crowded Places from Terrorism. The Strategy’s objective is to protect the lives of people working in, using, and visiting crowded places by making these places more resilient. The Strategy states that success relies on strong and sustainable partnerships between governments and the private sector to better protect crowded places. This includes major event organisers, sporting clubs, charities, community groups, religious groups, and local, state and territory governments.
The Strategy is to be read in conjunction with two other ANZCTC crowded place tools – a crowded place security audit and a self-assessment tool.
ANZCTC has also made available several other terrorism risk guidelines for crowded places to increase awareness about risk assessment and mitigation processes:
- Active Armed Offender
- Improvised Explosive Device
- Chemical Weapon
- Hostile Vehicle
The guidance material is available at the Australian National Security website Crowded places ( or through the links below:
- Crowded places (
- Australia’s Strategy for Protecting Crowded Places from Terrorism (
- Crowded places security audit (
- Crowded Places Self-Assessment Tool (
- Active armed offender guidelines for crowded places (
- IED attacks (
- Chemical weapon attacks (
- Vehicle attacks (
- Terrorist attacks (