Reinsurance Pools

Claims procedures

What happens in the event of an eligible terrorism loss?

In the event of an incident which may result in an eligible terrorism loss, all insurers should:

  1. immediately assess any claims under the terms of the original policy. Any loss estimates received should be provided to ARPC using the PACE Terrorism Reinsurance Pool (TRP) Claims System.
  2. take note of any Declared Terrorist Incident (DTI) formally announced by the Minister.
  3. be aware of the operation of the Terrorism and Cyclone Insurance Act 2003 (TCI Act) in the event of a DTI.

If a DTI occurs:

  1. a terrorism exclusion in an eligible insurance contract has no effect in relation to a loss or liability to the extent to which the loss or liability is an eligible terrorism loss (section 8 of the Act)
  2. the responsible Minister may announce a reduction percentage, reducing the amount to be paid under a claim.
  3. ARPC’s reinsurance arrangements are triggered.

Claims management


What should commercial property insurers do? 

If a suspicious incident occurs, ARPC may notify all nominated insurer contacts advising that the incident is being investigated by the relevant authorities. The Reinsurance Agreement obliges the insurer to advise ARPC as soon as possible of any circumstances likely to give rise to a claim. Before any announcement of a DTI, ARPC may request that all affected insurers submit their eligible loss estimates via the PACE TRP Claims System (accessed from the PACE login at the top of this page). Information about the PACE TRP Claims system is available from the PACE TRP Claims System Cedant Manual. 

What should commercial property owners or tenants do? 

Between the time an event occurs and a possible DTI announcement, there are several steps affected policyholders can take. These steps include:

  • Contact your insurance broker to inform them of the loss as soon as possible; or
  • Contact your commercial property insurer directly if you do not use a broker.
  • Arrange with your broker or insurer to have your claim assessed under the terms and conditions of your policy document.

Whether or not the event is a DTI, your insurer will be providing cover for the insurance loss you experience according to the terms of your insurance policy.


ARPC will confirm any announcement by the Minister of a DTI to nominated insurer contacts. On the announcement of a DTI, it is the responsibility of the insurer to assess, adjust, and pay eligible terrorism losses on eligible insurance contracts in accordance with the original policy terms and conditions. Insurers can use the PACE TRP Claims System to submit eligible claims for reinsurance recovery from ARPC. It is the responsibility of the insurer to keep ARPC fully informed of any developments regarding the claim.


ARPC will notify all insurers if the suspicious incident is announced as non-terrorism related and therefore not a DTI.


Insurer customer logins to ARPC

Cyclone Insurer Portal (PACE)

PACE Cyclone is ARPC’s Cyclone Reinsurance Pool (cyclone pool) insurer customer portal, which allows cyclone pool insurer customers to lodge their company information in a secure and user-friendly environment.

Terrorism Insurer Portal (PACE)

PACE Terrorism is ARPC’s new Terrorism Reinsurance Pool (terrorism pool) insurer customer portal, which allows terrorism pool insurer customers to lodge their company information in a secure and user-friendly environment.