Reinsurance Pools

About PACE Terrorism

The RISe platform was established to support Terrorism Reinsurance Pool (terrorism pool) transactions for both ARPC and cedants alike.

The RISe platform has served ARPC well, successfully allowing ARPC to manage and process information efficiently and effectively since the launch of the terrorism pool.

As of October 2024, ARPC is helping cedants transition to a new platform, PACE (Protecting Australians for Catastrophic Events).

What is PACE Terrorism

PACE Terrorism is ARPC’s customer portal developed for cedants to lodge reinsurance premiums and claims information in a secure and user-friendly environment. 

The PACE Terrorism system allows cedants to:

  • submit and validate quarterly premium returns
  • submit and validate annual aggregate reports
  • submit GWP declarations
  • update most user details and addresses for their organisation
  • submit loss estimates for incidents
  • submit claims bordereaux and unallocated expenses reports
  • view list of historical declared incidents

Cedants can access PACE Terrorism via


The PACE Terrorism portal was first made available to terrorism pool cedants on Tuesday, 1 October 2024. The RISe system will no longer be in use from March 2025.

ARPC’s Underwriting team are currently reaching out to all cedants to assist them with the transition to PACE.

Terrorism pool cedants lodged their last premium return in RISe in January 2025. Going forward, all lodgements must be made in PACE Terrorism.

More information

If you have any questions, or require any additional information, please don't hesitate to reach out to the ARPC team at [email protected].


Insurer customer logins to ARPC

Cyclone Insurer Portal (PACE)

PACE Cyclone is ARPC’s Cyclone Reinsurance Pool (cyclone pool) insurer customer portal, which allows cyclone pool insurer customers to lodge their company information in a secure and user-friendly environment.

Terrorism Insurer Portal (PACE)

PACE Terrorism is ARPC’s new Terrorism Reinsurance Pool (terrorism pool) insurer customer portal, which allows terrorism pool insurer customers to lodge their company information in a secure and user-friendly environment.