About ARPC

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ARPC is a Commonwealth corporate entity and public financial corporation within the Treasury portfolio. It is established under the Terrorism and Cyclone Insurance Act 2003 (TCI Act) and is also subject to requirements under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act).

ARPC has two responsible Ministers. The Hon Dr Jim Chalmers MP, Treasurer, is responsible for ARPC’s governance matters and Board appointments.

The Hon Stephen Jones MP, Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Financial Services, is the responsible Minister for all other ARPC matters.

More information about Ministers in the Treasury portfolio is available on the Treasury website.


Insurer customer logins to ARPC

Cyclone Insurer Portal (PACE)

PACE Cyclone is ARPC’s Cyclone Reinsurance Pool (cyclone pool) insurer customer portal, which allows cyclone pool insurer customers to lodge their company information in a secure and user-friendly environment.

Terrorism Insurer Portal (PACE)

PACE Terrorism is ARPC’s new Terrorism Reinsurance Pool (terrorism pool) insurer customer portal, which allows terrorism pool insurer customers to lodge their company information in a secure and user-friendly environment.